Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Shooting plan (sketches)


Before the shooting took place at the park I went out to discover and consider the potential spots of taking the images. I chose a particular area of the park by how many options it can offer me to shoot from and I chose this area because it was diverse and offered me the possibility to compose my images differently.

Here is the sketch about my shooting plan:


With indoor shooting is more important to be aware of the direction of the light and have well lit rooms to get well exposed images at the end. However sometimes we need to use fill light/flash light to light up the subject if the available light isn't enough, or just turn on some of the ambient light(s) see if that's helping.

Here is my sketch about the rooms I intend to shoot in:

Weather forecast on the day of shooting

Friday, 27th June

Overcast with a stray shower

15 Celsius Lo 11 Celsius

Health and safety 

The health and safety considerations for my shoot were things like being aware constantly of my surroundings. Try to avoid mud because that is quite slippery. Use a trodden path up to the hump rather then going in the high grass where you can't see the possible obstacles to avoid the possibility of any injury caused by slipping for example. Indoor move away any object that's in the way to make sure no one will fall over something and get hurt. Keep the dog on the leash so it doesn't run away or get in conflict with other dogs/people.

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