Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Proposal for Idea 1

Section one: title-what people think of me? I'm working towards to produce 6 images. I'm going to ask people (people i don't know,friends/family) about what they think of me as a person who left home and now living in the UK. These people probably have stereotypes about me and that is what i would like to capture and make them realize who wrong they can be if they're not informed well enough. During this project i'll refresh my knowledge about studio/location photography. I might need to shoot some products and definitely taking self portraits. After i got the answers from the people and knowing their point of view about immigrants, i'll be expecting stereotypes so the images would be quite complicated that will extend my knowledge of visual elements and Photoshop techniques.

Section two: my influences come from what i heard from people, read in newspaper, heard in TV about immigrants. For this project the starting points were my actual,own experiences about immigrants because the people are very miss/uninformed about people coming from a different country and they are judging us way before they know anything about the person. I intend to research into stereotype images and immigration online. Looking at websites,books,magazines and newspapers.

Section three: I've got possible answers for my question, so as i imagine the process, i'm going to use my digital Canon EOS 1100D because I would probably Photoshop most of my images so i'll need to take high resolution images. I'll be the model for my images so I will need to use a tripod. I want the images to look very sharp and well lighted so i'll probably use white background in the studio. 3 or 4 studio lights with soft boxes (might use snoot sometime to get a more directed light). An attached flash to the camera if i'll shoot on location. The software i'm going to use for editing will be Photoshop and i'll probably need to look at things like how to create shadows, dodge and burn, retouching, selecting particular area of the photo, copy and paste etc. I'll probably split my project into 3 (weeks) so i'll need to create 2 images every week to get the 6 photos at the and that I'm planning to do.

Section four: my goal is to create 6 images that listed in order. In a way that the first picture have to be the less appropriate description/stereotype about me and finish off with the one that will show what i think about myself. So the way the images flow together will be one of the most important thing. I will work with different equipmentsto see what kit is the best to use for my project. Changing light settings and camera settings, using filters. Taking plenty of shots and choose the one that has the best composition, includes strong visual elements.

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