Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Evaluation of FMP


My research was very helpful and there were some links between the photographers and the images that I researched. I think I've reached my aim of photographing the two's friendship and the relationship they have with each other. I talked about the good and bad things when I reviewed my best series of images. However I can say it again that the photos look so genuine, the kit was perfect for this type of photography. The images really show their life from their perspective. I usually shot wide open which allowed me to create some more artistic images by involving the environment and also allowed me to put much more emphasis on the subjects. I had another good experience working with natural light and I was able to apply the knowledge I gained from my research as well, such as get on eye level, how to get shallow DOF, what is the best exposure mode and shutter speed when photographing pets etc. I really feel that I can control the natural light as much as I can and it possible and finding a solution for how to get the best exposure. 
I feel that I have achieved all that I had proposed to do and reached the client expectations. Capturing memorable moments and their lifestyle and present high quality images at the end. However I feel that the shots are fine the project was successful, comparing my images to some of the professional photographers work, there is still a LOT to learn and improve my knowledge and understanding about everything, to not just mention pet photography. Overall, if i was to do this project again i would still go with the same subject as I love working with dogs, it's so much fun to be around them and have a relationship with them in some way. 

Final Images


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