Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Assignment Brief for Idea 3

Creative Pet Photography


Within this unit I am going to explore my own potential for creating specialist location photographs. I am aiming to produce a series of creative pet portraits for a commercial application. It will potentially relate to a customer, which will make my project client led. Perhaps I am going to indirectly advertise a product or a company’s campaign using dogs (and humans) in a possibly humorous??? scenario. Images will be submitted in both print and electronic form.

Task 1:

Develop and design this negotiated brief for your work whilst acknowledging the learning outcomes for your chosen specialist area. Initially this can be bullet points with detail added later.

Task 2:
Research Activities…

I will carry out initial research into different types of specialist location photography and techniques for producing pet portraits on location to contextualise and understand existing works.

I will research and download images that appeal to me and gather informations about pet photography techniques using google search.

I will look at the work of other artists and discuss the way the artists work and the context and make notes and record my own observations. Which media, techniques and technologies have been used to create the images.

This provides evidence for: P1, M1, D1

Task 3:

Development Activities…

I will need to review and analyse my research that I have gathered in task 2. Utilising this information to build and develop ideas of how I will capture my series of pet portraits.

I will need to consider what are the applications of my final major project and the limitations of different techniques. I will need to ask myself some questions like; What are the possible equipments and places to use for my project? What are the purposes of the photographs? What they can be provided/used for? Is it for a company advert or fashion article? etc.

I will then experiment with a variety of media, materials, techniques and technologies when exploring ideas and decide how to progress my ideas and initial tests further.

I will consider my time management and record the processes that I explored and add the results to my blog. 

This provides evidence for: P2, P3, M2, M3, D2, D3

Task 4:

Production Activities…

Based upon my research, idea development and exploration I will capture and produce my final series of images confidently in a well organized environment. I will continually document and evidence my activities in my on-going blog.

This provides evidence for: P3, M3, D3

Task 5: 

Realisation Activities… 

I will write about the skills and knowledge I have learnt whilst working through this assignment.

I will review the work that I have done during task 2,3 and 4 to select between images to submit to exhibition. I must submit 3-5 images as a minimum.

Finally, I will consider and evaluate what I produced, thinking about what worked well and what didn’t. I will make recommendations for what my next steps might be or how I could improve my work for the future.

This provides evidence for: P4, M4, D4

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